• UK +44 203 034 2459
  • AUS +61 7 3473 1160
  • enquiry@erkmar.com

We Want to help you deliver a better future today

From the beginning, our founder, Robert, was determined to establish a new kind of consultancy. Having spent most of his career working in government regulation and other public sector telecoms roles, he had dealt with numerous consultants who were full of fluff: great at fancy boardroom presentations, terrible at providing any practical value.
With a passion for the power of connective technologies to transform peoples’ lives, a vast network of trusted trailblazing technology experts, and his own extensive radio spectrum experience, Robert founded Erkmar in 2009. His vision was to deliver genuine, innovative, informed, and outcomes-driven guidance to all levels of organisation around the globe.
And that’s precisely what Erkmar does.
We provide exceptional service to public and private organisations by giving them the clarity and support to lead meaningful change in their markets. We help our clients deliver the connectivity their customers rely on to live better, smarter, happier lives.
Our approach is friendly, straightforward, and delivery orientated. We won’t waste your time with unnecessary posturing or pretence.
This has created a cohesive, collaborative, and transparent culture in all three of our offices: UK, Europe, and Australia. And we bring this to all the projects we work on too. This means our clients consistently receive comprehensive advice, and our experts draw from each other’s experience to perform strongly as a team.
Ultimately, our honest and straightforward culture works in the best interests of our people and the organisations we serve.
At Erkmar, we believe technology can have a positive and sustainable impact on people and the planet.
It’s our mission to facilitate this by helping our clients deliver a better future today.
We live our values daily. They guide our business and every interaction with our clients.
We are:


We are dreamers and doers, hungry to explore leading-edge ideas and innovative implementation. We help you stay ahead of the curve, anticipate future challenges, and be ready to adjust accordingly.


Our team applies their vast global knowledge and deep industry experience to local situations. By working closely with you and our peers, we achieve the best possible result for your organisation and its customers


We have deep subject matter expertise and deliver actionable solutions to your problems. We are straightforward, pragmatic, unpretentious, trustworthy, and transparent.


 We care about your organisation’s needs and the needs of its customers. Our work’s impact on society and the environment is important to us. And we do our best to be inclusive in every sense.
With heightened awareness of environmental issues worldwide, and companies increasingly being expected to submit green impact assessments for public-private partnership proposals, we know that sustainability is at the forefront of many of our clients’ minds.
However, the climate crisis is not a tick-box exercise or PR opportunity for us. There are important practical considerations to be made as far as technology is concerned.
We can assist you in radically reducing the negative impact and carbon footprint of your technology projects while also keeping your business goals in mind. We achieve this by taking two main elements into account:

             1. Power

We advise on power usage reduction options and green power alternatives, e.g. hydrogen-powered telco base stations.

             2. Sustainability

We support organisations in reducing the need to replace equipment by considering options that allow for software upgrades, e.g. from 5G to 6G. We can recommend materials for telco infrastructure and hardware that either don’t deteriorate or have a longer than average life expectancy. And we can assist with new supply chain strategies to favour locally sourced, renewable solutions, with a reduction in footprint and environmental impact.
Often, the most environmentally sustainable solution is also the most durable and cost-effective one long-term. So, whether you want guidance on spectrum regulatory, spectrum monitoring, technology, management and economics fields, cyber security, fixed-line telecoms, FTTx, or resilience capabilities, we consider both the cost to your organisation and our planet.
Erkmar is highly adept at working in cross-cultural settings with diverse stakeholders.
We have worked on every continent except Antarctica. And we hope to tick that off the list one day too.
Our working language is English, but we often work in other languages using translators.
In terms of diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, and ability, we are fully aware of the “stale, male, and pale” image of the technology industry, particularly in regulation. So, in selecting our sub-contracting consultants and in our business leadership ethics, we actively pursue new talent who challenge these outdated conventions, expose us to new ways of working and strengthen both Erkmar and the tech world at large.
Our aim is to ensure that the solutions we customise for your unique context always benefit from our team’s multicultural knowledge and experiences